Town Meeting Demographics 2018

Statistics of Milton Town Meeting members prior to 2019 Annual Town Election:

Gender, Party Registration and Age

All Town Meeting Members, Age and Gender

273 dots, one for each Town Meeting Member, ages 22 - 87

Gender Split

Precinct 2 and 8 Town Meeting Members are 50/50 Male/Female, the other precincts are more than 50% male Town Meeting Members

Party Affiliation

This shows the party registration of voters in each precinct (on the left) and of the Town Meeting Members (on the right).

For example, in Precinct 3, the red bars on the top show the percentage of Republican Town Meeting Members matches the percentage of Republicans in the precinct, while the blue bars show there are a few more % registered Democrats in P3 Town Meeting than in the precinct overall.

The closeness of the red and blue bars in each precinct and in the town overall show that Town Meeting representation is pretty close to the voters.

Town Meeting Member Age

The precincts all have Town Meeting members with average ages between 55 - 62

This shows the age spread for Town Meeting Members.

For example, in Precinct 1, 25% of TMMs are below 52 and 25% are above 68. The median is 61, which means half the members are below that age and half are above it.

For Town Meeting overall, 25% of members are below 50 and 25% are above 66